Tag Archives: instagram

First Official Poster for Kevin Smith’s ‘Tusk’


Kevin Smith revealed via Instagram the poster for his next film titled ‘Tusk’.  ‘Tusk’ is about a man looking for his missing best friend who has been taken and bizarrely disfigured in an attempt to make him into a Walrus.  The film stars Haley Joel Osment, Justin Long, Michael Parks, and Johnny Depp.

I’m really looking forward to this film.  Kevin has hyped it up to be the best film he has ever made.  The conception of the idea for the film was recorded in a podcast ‘Smodcast 259: The Walrus and the Carpenter‘ which inspired him to write a script as a time where he was considering retirement.

Social Media : How it ruins our lives.


Note: Everything I say in this post is me expressing my own opinion.   

One of my biggest pet peeves is social media. I strongly believe social media is ruining our lives in multiple ways.  There are tons of social apps out there but the main offenders are Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

My main issue is we are so infatuated with what people are discussing on social media that we do not realize we have lost touch with reality. By social media controlling us, we do not take care of ourselves. As a society we do not even enjoy the great outdoors and if we do its only to take a photo on Instagram or do a short clip on Vine to show that we are outside having a good time. After we take the photo or video we then hash tag as #enjoyinglife but really we are not. We are lying to ourselves and the people who even care to look at your shared media. We have this obsession that we must share our lives with the world. Doesn’t matter what it is we are sharing. We share the food we eat, the clothes we wear, or the expressions we are feeling. We spend so much time caring about what people think about our lives that we lose touch on what is really going on.

Another mistake is we allow social media like Facebook and Twitter to ruin our privacy. The word does not exist when it comes to social media. We like to think we have private lives but we do not. We share everything we do, what we think, and where we are are. Social media loves when we do share our information. They are like blood sucking leeches because they suck the data that we give them out from our profiles and then use it for advertisement. They need this to survive because they are not making money from us. They make money from other companies to advertise their product to us as a user. Example: If you post “I am going to see Linkin Park tonight!” and tag the location, you will see advertisements on the social media website on either the venue upcoming events or the band your going to see. Plus now the new phones that come out already have social apps preloaded on them and there operating systems automatically communicate with the social apps to update where you are without you even realizing it. Sooner or later they will just install GPS chips inside our heads that will automatically update our locations and share our thoughts.

I know I show a lot of hatred towards social media but I know there’s good points as well. Social media is a great way of communication and sharing photos of friends and family. You can do good reviews on places you have been and help promote other businesses. The problem is we do it excessively. If we keep everything private to ourselves and not share every second of our life to the world. I think we would spend less time on the phone and internet and more time in the real world we will be more happier and healthier. We can not let the social media consume us.

Again this is my own opinion, I would love to hear you’re opinion as well. Please comment and if there is any other subject you would like me to discuss please let me know.